The first modern appearance of the degree symbol ° Cajori found is in the revised 1569 edition of Gemma Frisius, Arithmeticae practicae moethodus facilis by Gemma Frisius (1508-1555), although the symbol appears in the Appendix on astronomical fractions due to Jacques Peletier (1517-1582) and dated 1558. What we need here is some evidence of when the degree symbol was first used. It seems more credible that a degree symbol is just a small raised zero.
If you look at the symbols for minutes and seconds (and one sixtieth of a second is a 'third'), they are just the roman numerals for 1, 2, 3 etc. Do you have an ISBN? Or author and title? - Keenan Pepper 18:19, 22 September 2006 (UTC) The preceding unsigned comment was added by ( talk 5 Should space come before or after degree symbol?.