Additional equipmentA 01.00 A 01.40 A 03.00 A 03.12 A 04.00 A 04.10 A 04.20 A 04.70 A 04.80 A 05.00 A 05.40 A 07.00 A 07.10 A 07.11 A 11.00 A 11.70 A 15.00 A 15.20 A 30.00 A 30.20 A 30.40 Fuel Delivery pump with hand pump Exhaust Detaching and attaching enclosure for silencer (muffler) Mechanical starting Crank handle Automatic decompressor Engine rotating device Start release Electric starting Alternator Lubricating oil Lubricating oil cooler, air cooling Lubricating oil cooler, water cooling Automatic mechanisms Temperature-controlled starting fuel volume regulator Housing Adapter housing Liquid cooling Water pump ThermostatĬontents3.
GeneralSealants and adhesives Illustrations of engine Type plate data Technical data Lubricating oil circuit Special tools and Workshop equipmentĢ.